The optimum operating temp is 24°c
Ideal substrate temp would be 25°c
We recommend around 10°c this will ensure a bond but above freezing will be ok if tanks are pre conditioned to 24°c
No the substrate needs to be dry and free from moisture
Single component foam are mainly open cell foam, most are not not water resistant and offers poor insulation properties compared to two component systems. One component foams are also moisture curing and can take anything from 20 minutes to 2hrs to cure dependant on moisture in the atmosphere. Froth Pak is 97% closed cell foam that uses a mix of two components to cause a exothermic reaction this in turn means foam cures fast at around 40-60 seconds so is suitable for spray applications ect. See Froth Pak operating instructions
Nozzles only last 45-55 seconds once the trigger is de activated if the trigger is activated again within this period you have another 45-55 seconds this is due to the foam curing in the helix of the nozzle , gun and hose sets can last up to 5 tank set changes as long as user instructions are followed and connectors and fitting are cleaned between changes using a suitable cleaning agent/spray. However the gun is a disposable item made from plastic so will wear, even the most careful user will have to replace the gun at some point. Always keep a check on foam consistency, if this suffers it usually means the gun is wearing or failing.
You have an uneven mix in the product , this quality of foam is running A rich (red) you are getting a ISO rich mixture. Remove nozzle ,purge the lines ,check streams are even, normally changing the nozzles will solve it , if this persists check temperature of cans ensure valves are open fully. Check condition of gun for damage.
As answered above you have a uneven mix of foam running B Poly high, replace nozzle, check flow from gun with nozzles removed ensure they are even. This however is more likely if cans are cold especially in winter months. The A side is a heavier thicker material compared to the B. Warm cans to 24° celcius this should solve uneven flow rates.
Your chemical is a either cold or substrate is too cold or you have a blockage on either the A or B component resulting in a one sided mix of chemical.
Yields are manufacturers measurements in optimum conditions customers will not be in optimum conditions . This is why we give a realistic yield of around 10% less than manufacturers estimates. However correct set up is key to ensuring a good yield of foam ,ensure tank sets and substrate are of an even temperature around 25° c, a difference in temperature of either tanks or substrate can give a lower yield and also a uniform spray is needed when spraying to result in an even spread of chemical an uneven spread of chemical again will result in a poor yield of foam.
This can result for 2 reasons, firstly tank may not be at correct temperature (cold) prior to application or secondly you have a slight blockage in the (A) side of gun causing in a uneven mix of the foam resulting in chemical being left in the red drum.
As above but blockage will be on the B side.
Maximum temperature foam will stand is approximately 114° c 240° f
Yes the foam has a B2 fire rating meaning foam resists ignition and has a low surface spread of flame , the foam would generally smoulder under a flame and self extinguish once flame is removed.
A depending on where you want to inject the foam it can be done but not without risk to your cavity wall or ceiling if overfilled, we advise calling us first .
You have a blockage in the side with no chemical flow, remove gun/hose set purge the lines and fit a new gun/hose set.